10 Dark Truths About People You Have to Confront
We humans are deep, complicated, and mysterious.
You can spend a lot of time trying to understand people
and you may never fully understand them.
What people show on the surface is not always
what they hide beneath the surface.
What people hide about themselves is not always good
and sometimes it is very dark.
Never fool yourself into thinking that people
are what they show to the public;
always educate yourself about the people
you surround yourself with.
The dark truths I collected are meant to open your eyes.
Here are the 10 Dark Truths About People You Have to Confront:
1. People are often motivated by self-interest.
A lot of people will not just help you because they are good.
They usually want something in return,
or their act of kindness is meant to throw dust in your eyes.
2. Everyone has a hidden agenda.
It is rare to find people with genuine intentions
and pure motives.
But people usually hide them
and it is up to you to know it.
3. Trust can be easily broken.
People don’t really owe you many things,
and they can easily break your trust.
Don’t expect loyalty from anyone;
learn to be crucial about the people you trust.
4. Many people are not as empathetic as they appear.
We humans are actors without knowing that.
Genuine compassion is rare.
Learn to manage your expectations
when you are going through difficult times
or tell someone about your struggles.
5. People can be cruel, often without remorse.
Understand that humans have a dark side
and it is embedded in all of us.
They can inflict both emotional and physical pain.
Recognize this, stay vigilant, and protect yourself.
6. Jealousy and envy are common emotions.
When you succeed, you must know that many people,
even your friends will envy you.
Envy and jealousy are destructive emotions.
Protect yourself because envious people will attack you
or try to destroy everything you worked for.
7. Many people are quick to judge.
People judge even when they don’t know the full information.
It is a human tendency to always judge.
8. Not everyone will support your success.
Not everyone will be happy for you
and celebrate when you succeed; some will resent you.
Always be alert because they secretly hate you
and may also try to destroy your reputation.
9. People often lie, even about trivial things.
People lie a lot without being aware of it.
Be crucial and fact-check everything about a person.
What they say about themselves
or others is not always the truth.
10. Many individuals are stuck in their own pain.
People often project their unresolved issues
and traumas onto others.
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