40 Powerful Quotes About Narcissists to Help You Deal With Them
Dealing with a narcissist is very difficult and energy-draining.
They are like a disease that keeps on making your life
worse every day, but they tell you that they love you
and care about you.
Their self-centered behavior, manipulation, and gaslighting
can make a hell out of your life.
You will deal with many conflicting emotions, question your sanity,
and sometimes become a puppet.
It is very crucial to know a narcissist
and keep your distance from them before it is too late.
No one has ever got into a relationship or friendship
with a narcissist and never regretted it.
The quotes in this article are meant to help you know more about them.
It is up to you to deal with them or keep your distance.
10 Powerful Quotes About Narcissists to Help You Deal With Them
Here are the 10 Powerful Quotes About Narcissists to Help You Deal With Them:
1. Narcissism has more in common with self-hatred than with self-admiration.
Narcissists need public attention and validation
to make themselves feel alive.
They hate themselves or have no self to love.
That’s why they will do anything to get
the false affirmation that they are loved.
2. Withhold admiration from a narcissist and be disliked. Give it and be treated with indifference.
Narcissists crave admiration
and validation like a baby needing his/her mother.
The solution is to let them think what they want to think about you.
Never give in to their manipulative tactics.
3. Narcissus weeps to find that his Image does not return his love.
Most narcissists live in complete despair
and hate themselves
because who would love a self that is manipulative?
4. The best way to upset a narcissist is by ignoring him.

They thrive on the attention they get.
Withhold it from them, not to upset them but
because you deserve peace and a genuine relationship in your life.
Move on with your life
5. No matter how socially skilled an extreme narcissist is, he has a major attachment dysfunction. The extreme narcissist is frozen in childhood.
Despite potentially adept social skills, an extreme narcissist suffers
from deeply emotional and relational issues
rooted in their early development.
Their emotional growth is stunted, leaving them unable
to form healthy attachments and perpetually seek validation.
6. Narcissists would rather lie and humiliate you than admit that they were in the wrong.
Because it threatens the false
and grandiose self-image that they created.
They live in the illusion that they are good people
and their intentions are pure.
7. The spirit of arrogance most definitely makes you shine. It paints a bright red target on your own forehead.

Arrogance draws attention,
but not always the desired kind.
It makes one conspicuous
and vulnerable to scrutiny and criticism,
turning the arrogant person into a focal point for others’ negative reactions.
8. Beware of narcissistic people. They’ll tell everyone you’re crazy, only to cover up their trickery.
There is no solution for narcissistic people.
You can’t fix them, and you should never think about fixing them.
Just maintain your distance from them and protect your peace.
9. Every generation narcissistically believes they are the greatest generation.
Each generation tends to view itself as superior,
often dismissing the achievements and experiences of those before
and after them.
This generational narcissism reflects a collective ego
that inflates its own significance in the broader historical context.
10. Narcissists don’t care what you think unless it is about them.
10 Thought-Provoking Quotes About Narcissism to Guide Your Interactions
Here are the 10 Thought-Provoking Quotes About Narcissism to Guide Your Interactions:
1. Underneath the so-called narcissistic personality is definitely shame and the paralyzing fear of being ordinary.
Narcissistic people have a lot of shame, insecurities,
and self-hate that they try to project on other people.
They result in diseases like grandiosity
and false self-importance to keep themselves alive.
2. If you want to go from being adored to devalued in the blink of an eye, simply insult the narcissist.
Most narcissists can’t handle jokes and criticisms.
Be very careful around them
if they are your boss or someone in power.
Underneath their fragile self-image lie layers
of insecurities and shame.
3. Repair your narcissism before you start loving your neighbor as yourself.
Empathy has nothing to do with yourself
but the condition and emotion of the other person.
Many people mistake self-centeredness for empathy.
They think about their problems
when someone else is talking about theirs.
4. The best way to upset a narcissist is by ignoring him.

They thrive on attention and validation.
Attention for them is like the water
they drink to make them feel alive.
Withdraw it from them and move on with your life.
5. You can teach a narcissist to show up on time, but you can’t train them to listen once they get there.
They are self-centered and completely focused on themselves.
You can’t shift the focus of a person
if the only thing they think about is themselves.
6. Narcissism is voluntary blindness, an agreement not to look beneath the surface.
They will ignore anything that contradicts
their self-image or their view of the world
and only opt for the one that serves
their superficial and fake idealized self-image.
7. Narcissists don’t care what you think unless it is about them.

They care about themselves only
and will love the sound of your voice only
when it says good things about them, even if it is fake.
8. Narcissists would rather lie and humiliate you than admit that they were in the wrong.
They won’t admit they are wrong
because it will destroy their fragile and holy self-image.
If they did something wrong,
they would devise an excuse to cover that.
9. No matter how socially skilled an extreme narcissist is, he has a major attachment dysfunction. The extreme narcissist is frozen in childhood.
Despite potentially adept social skills, an extreme narcissist suffers
from deeply emotional and relational issues rooted
in their early development.
Their emotional growth is stunted,
leaving them unable to form healthy attachments
and perpetually seeking validation.
10. What are narcissists looking for, after all? Just someone at their level to whom they can feel superior.
10 Deep Quotes About Narcissists to Help You Navigate Toxic Relationships
Here are the 10 Deep Quotes About Narcissists to Help You Navigate Toxic Relationships:
1. Withhold admiration from a narcissist and be disliked. Give it and be treated with indifference.
Narcissists crave admiration
and validation like a baby needing his/her mother.
The solution is to let them think what they want to think about you.
Never give in to their manipulative tactics.
2. Narcissism is voluntary blindness, an agreement not to look beneath the surface.
They will ignore anything that contradicts
their self-image or their view of the world
and only opt for the one that serves
their superficial and fake idealized self-image.
3. Narcissists are emotional porcupines; watch out for the quills!
Set a boundary and make it clear
when you know that you are dealing with
a narcissist because they can cause too much emotional pain
and suffering without remorse.
4. Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.

It doesn’t matter if it is true love;
if it receives constant harm, it will die.
Narcissists lack the ability to love themselves and empathy.
5. Children of narcissists learn that love is abuse. The narcissist teaches them that if someone displeases you, it is okay to harm them and call it love.
Growing up with narcissistic parents distorts a child’s understanding
of love, equating it with manipulation and abuse.
They learn unhealthy relationship patterns,
believing that inflicting harm is an acceptable way
to express love and assert control.
6. Some people think that the world revolves around them, but the Sun is not the center of the universe.
Narcissists are too self-centered
and absorbed in their own illusions
and self-importance,
not knowing that they are just like everyone else.
7. Narcissists don’t care what you think unless it is about them.

They care about themselves only
and will love the sound of your voice only
when it is saying good things about them,
even if it is fake.
8. Relationships with narcissists are held in place by the hope of a ‘someday better,’ with little evidence to support it will ever arrive.
Understand this and learn to let go and move on with your life.
The sooner you leave that relationship,
the better your future will be.
The worst scenario is when you waited so long
and got damaged so deeply that you can never heal again.
9. An abuser’s psychological diagnosis isn’t the problem. Their sense of entitlement is.
The core issue with abusers, including narcissists,
is their overwhelming sense of entitlement.
This belief that they deserve special treatment
and can violate others’ boundaries to justify their harmful behavior,
regardless of any psychological diagnosis.
10. It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love.
10 Insightful Quotes on Narcissists to Strengthen Your Boundaries
Here are the 10 Insightful Quotes on Narcissists to Strengthen Your Boundaries:
1. Every narcissist is a hero and a legend in his own mind.
They are never wrong, have the purest intentions,
and are victims of situations.
But if you look at their actions,
it is ugly and narcissistic.
Don’t waste time around these people.
2. Some people think that the world revolves around them, but the Sun is not the center of the universe.
Narcissists are too self-centered
and absorbed in their own illusions
and self-importance, not knowing that they are just like everyone else.
3. Narcissists are emotional porcupines; watch out for the quills!
Interacting with narcissists can be emotionally painful and risky,
akin to handling a porcupine.
Their defense mechanisms, such as manipulation and hostility,
can cause significant harm to those who get too close.
4. Narcissists, however, are similar to a spider that has built a web for its prey to bring itself.

Their main goal is never to form a connection
and they are not being themselves,
they use manipulative tactics
and charm to lure people in just to exploit them later.
5. Narcissism and self-deception are survival mechanisms without which many of us might just jump off a bridge.
Narcissistic tendencies and self-deception
because some people can’t handle the truth about
their ugly actions and manipulative behaviors.
6. There is a difference between supporting someone and feeding someone’s narcissism. One is support, and the other is not.
Genuine support involves helping someone grow
and succeed without fostering unhealthy behaviors.
Feeding a narcissist’s ego, on the other hand,
reinforces their self-centeredness and entitlement,
which is ultimately detrimental.
7. But the line between moral behavior and narcissistic self-righteousness is thin and difficult to discern.

It may be hard to differentiate between both
but always seek motivation.
Moral behaviors are motivated by moral conviction,
and narcissistic self-righteousness is motivated
by the need for validation and superiority.
8. You will never really see how toxic someone is until you breathe fresher air.
A friendly reminder to change your environment
if you feel trapped.
Your world does not revolve around being
with one person only.
9. The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.
One thing a lot of people don’t talk about
is how smart and creative people are full of doubt
and stupid people are certain of the answer.
10. Narcissistic love is riding on the rollercoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears.
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