9 Harsh Lessons Your Dad Forgot to Teach You About Life
The older we get, the more we realize how many things
our parents shielded from us in childhood.
Our childhood innocence fades away, and how we judge life
and people completely changes.
The reality is that people aren’t who they seem to be, and life is harsh.
It will break you down several times,
and if you are not strong enough to get up,
it will keep on destroying you until your last breath.
The lessons in these quotes are meant to help you navigate
the social world with better understanding.
Here are the 9 Harsh Lessons Your Dad Forgot to Teach You About Life:
A weak man usually needs people around him to feel validated or safe.
A strong man feels secure because of his self-confidence.
Don’t mistake this for being social,
but if you constantly need people just to feel okay, it is insecurity.
Stay away from people who always gaslight you,
making you feel bad about yourself.
Surround yourself with people who are genuine and value your presence.
Life is too short to tolerate bullsh*t.
Reflect on long-term thinking and learn to be patient.
Great things take time.
Anything you plant today will undergo phases
requiring you to stay calm and observe.
Your past got you where you are, but your present behavior
and habits will determine your future.
Focus your energy and thoughts on who you aspire to be.
A premature announcement is the worst thing you will do when you win.
Learn to shut up until everything is sealed
and no one can destroy what you’ve been working on.
Don’t be sad when you lose a friend.
Not all friends are meant to stay in your life.
Like seasons, friends come and go.
Learn to ignore their entire existence.
They feed on your reply,
especially your reaction to the triggering words they tell you.
If you don’t have a clever reply for anything they throw at you,
just ignore them.
You win by never playing.
A lot of hurtful words or nasty behaviors
that people say to you have nothing to do with you.
So be calm and continue enjoying your life.
Accept people for who they are instead of trying to change them
to what you want them to be.
It will be your fault when they disappoint you or break your heart.