10 Rare Life Lessons You Only Read Once In a Lifetime
Life is a journey filled with different experiences,
but once in a while, we meet someone or stumble upon wisdom so rare
that changes our lives forever.
These aren’t the regular lessons your teacher or father teaches you;
they’re the lessons that life gifts us that stick with us for a lifetime.
I collected these rare life lessons
because I believe everyone deserves to see life through
a certain lens, and it is up to you to take it
and apply it to your life or pass by it.
Here are the 10 Rare Life Lessons You Only Read Once In a Lifetime:
1. We can’t change what’s done. We can only move on.

You can’t change the past no matter what you do,
it is unchangeable.
Holding on to it, hoping that one day
things would just change, stop you from moving on
and seeing what life has for you.
2. Healing also means taking an honest look at the role you play in your own suffering.
You are not completely the victim of your life.
Some people are, and they deserve all the sympathy we can give.
But others took a huge role in their suffering.
You will never heal because you haven’t broken
that toxic pattern in your life.
3. Stay close to people who want more for you. Not more from you.
Surround yourself with people who genuinely
care you.
Life is not worth all the trouble you get
from spending time with the wrong people.
4. Only you and you alone can change your situation.

The power to alter your life lies within your control.
No one is coming to save you.
Save yourself from yourself; it is your responsibility.
5. Excuses make today easy but tomorrow hard. Discipline makes today hard but tomorrow easy.
Excuses provide temporary comfort
but make your life hard in the long run.
Don’t lie to yourself; be disciplined
because there is no other way.
6. Nobody can make you happy if you aren’t happy inside.
True happiness comes from within.
Develop and create a condition where
you don’t need external validation to be happy.
7. To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.

Trust is rare, often more important than love.
If a person trusts you,
they may put their life up for you, knowing
you will never let them down.
But love is changeable.
8. Keep chasing that goal whether you’re tired, scared, broke, or alone, just don’t give up.
Giving up should never be in your dictionary.
Take rest, but never give up
no matter how bad things become.
9. Be a witness, not the judge. Focus on yourself, not on others. Listen to your heart, not to the crowd.
Focus on yourself, not others.
Trust yourself over what others think is right for you.
At the end of the day, it is your life, not theirs.
Listen to their opinions, but don’t be guided by them.
10. Slow progress is better than no progress. Stay positive, and don’t give up.
Progress is still progress.
Be proud of yourself and keep on going
because most people won’t.
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