10 Uncomfortable Truths About The World You Have to Face
We live in a time where social media clouds our reasoning
and make us live a lie.
Our perspective is not grounded in reality
but in the perception we take from the media.
If we take time off our phones or PC,
we will realize many things.
Real connection is not spending all the time messaging
each other; physical connection
and intimacy are different and much better.
The news is filtered, and people’s lives
are not as good as they are portrayed.
Some of the happiest people on social media
are the most depressed in real life.
Here are the 10 Uncomfortable Truths About The World You Have to Face:
1. Life is inherently unfair.
There is too much injustice and inequality in our society.
Race, gender, and status
can determine many things in your social life.
Resisting and thinking that the world
will one day treat you equally is an illusion.
Learn to accept the reality.
2. Success is often a matter of luck.
You can be the hardest-working person
and still not succeed, while others won’t put
that much work and succeed before you.
Success is not luck, and you must work hard.
But hard work is not 100% the solution,
sometimes, you need luck.
3. Most people are indifferent to your struggles.
The first rule for a happy life is no expectation.
Don’t expect people to understand your struggle
and offer you the empathy you expect, even
if you are empathetic toward them.
4. The world is filled with misinformation.
We are in the age of information.
You can literally find everything you want by googling your question.
But not everything is true, and you have to fact-check it.
5. Environmental degradation is a pressing issue.
Climate change and pollution
are challenges that we are ignoring.
People are prioritizing profits over long-term effects.
6. Many people live in denial about critical issues.
There are many problems in the world,
if we clearly look at them,
we will find that we are the agent and solution.
7. The future is uncertain and unpredictable.
No one completely knows what the future holds
and no one has the power to predict
the future with 100% accuracy.
Learn to accept that fact and embrace the world as it is.
8. Most systems are designed to benefit the few.
Equality in large organizations is a myth
and the people at the top lie.
The system is designed to help a few who are at the top.
They are usually the people who designed the system.
9. People often prioritize convenience over ethics.
If people are ethical and good as they preach,
why is the world in so much ruin
and people’s actions bring so much destruction?
People will never admit that they are unethical
but never let yourself be fooled by their speech.
10. Change is often met with resistance.
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