10 Abraham Lincoln’s Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind
Born into a poor family in a log cabin in Kentucky,
Lincoln’s journey to the presidency is a remarkable story of self-education
and perseverance.
Despite having little formal education,
he became a successful lawyer and politician,
known for his eloquent speeches and debates.
Prepare to be astonished by the profound wisdom of Abraham Lincoln.
His quotes are not just words;
they are revelations that challenge our understanding and awaken our intellect.
This collection of Lincoln’s most mind-blowing sayings
will take you on an intellectual adventure,
revealing insights so sharp and deep they’ll leave you in awe.
As we explore these powerful phrases,
expect to encounter a new dimension of thought
that will leave a lasting impact on your view of the world.
So brace yourself, for these are the words of Lincoln,
crafted to stir the soul and expand the mind.
Here are the Abraham Lincoln’s Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind:
1. “What is to be, will be, and no prayers of ours can arrest the decree.”

Fate and destiny unfold according to their own design,
impervious to our pleas or prayers.
Despite our best efforts,
we cannot alter the course of events predetermined by the universe.
2. “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.”
Personal morality and ethical conduct
shape our inner sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Doing good deeds brings a sense of joy and positivity,
while wrongdoing evokes feelings of remorse and negativity,
reflecting our individual beliefs and values.
3. “I am a slow walker but I never walk back.”
Progress may be slow,
but it’s important to keep moving forward and never regress.
Even if the pace is gradual,
each step taken represents advancement and growth,
symbolizing resilience
and perseverance in the face of challenges.
4. Great men are ordinary men with extra ordinary determination.

True greatness stems not from innate superiority
but from an exceptional level of determination and resolve.
Ordinary individuals can achieve extraordinary
feats through unwavering commitment
and relentless pursuit of their aspirations.
5. The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.
By setting goals, making plans,
and taking decisive steps,
we can influence the trajectory of our lives
and create the outcomes we desire.
6. You must remember that some things legally right are not morally right.
Legality does not always align with morality.
Just because something is permitted by law
does not necessarily make it ethically
or morally right.
It’s important to consider the broader implications
and ethical implications of our actions,
even if they are legally permissible.
7. It is a sin to be silent when it is your duty to protest.

Silence in the face of injustice
or wrongdoing is tantamount to complicity.
When confronted with injustice,
it is our moral obligation to speak out and take a stand,
even if doing so entails personal risk or discomfort.
8. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
True progress comes from fostering mutual support
and cooperation among all members of society.
9. Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out.
Kindness is a resilient force
that endures even in the face of adversity.
While material possessions and worldly achievements may fade,
acts of kindness leave a lasting impact,
weathering the storms of life and bringing solace
and support to those in need.
10. The trouble with too many people is they believe the realm of truth always lies within their vision.

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