10 Deep Feelings Quotes You Should Know Before You Get Old
As we journey through life, we are constantly confronted
with the reality of our own mortality.
The passage of time is a relentless force, marching ever onward,
leaving us to grapple with the fleeting nature of our existence.
It is a sobering thought, one that can evoke a range of emotions
from fear and anxiety to acceptance and even gratitude.
The 10 quotes in this article are a collection of these rare
and powerful insights into the human experience of emotion.
They come from a diverse array of thinkers, writers, and philosophers,
each offering a unique perspective on the role of feelings in our lives
and the importance of embracing them fully before time runs out.
These are not just words to be read and forgotten, but rather,
they are the kind of profound truths that can change the way
we approach our lives and the relationships that matter most to us.
Here are the 10 Deep Feelings Quotes You Should Know Before You Get Old:
1. We try to hide our feelings but we forget that our eyes can speak

We often try to conceal our emotions, but our eyes betray us.
They are a window to our souls,
revealing our true feelings even when we attempt
to mask them with words or actions.
This non-verbal communication can be more telling
and honest than anything we might say.
2. I have learned now that while those who speak about their miseries usually hurt, those who keep silent hurt more.
Speaking about one’s pain can provide some relief,
but those who remain silent about their suffering
often endure even greater agony.
Keeping emotions bottled up can lead to a deeper,
more pervasive hurt, emphasizing the importance
of finding a way to express and release these feelings.
3. Some stories don’t have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories.
Not all stories, including love stories, end happily.
The reality of life and relationships is that
they can be complex and fraught with challenges.
Sometimes, the most intense and passionate love stories
end in heartbreak, highlighting the unpredictability
and bittersweet nature of love.
4. Just because you can’t express your feelings it doesn’t mean they’re not deep.

The inability to express feelings does not diminish their depth.
Emotions can run profoundly deep even if
they are not easily articulated.
This underscores the importance of understanding and empathy,
as not everyone can communicate their inner experiences openly.
5. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Being deeply loved by someone provides a foundation of strength,
as it offers unwavering support and acceptance.
Conversely, deeply loving someone requires courage,
as it involves vulnerability, risk, and the willingness
to prioritize another’s happiness and well-being.
6. To live in a hallucination of being loved is more painful than rejection.
Living under the illusion of being loved can be more
agonizing than facing outright rejection.
The false hope and eventual disillusionment
can cause deeper emotional wounds than a clear,
honest end to a relationship.
7. The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence.

Profound emotions often manifest through silence.
The weight of deep feelings can be too intense for words,
revealing themselves instead through
quiet presence and subtle actions.
This silent expression often speaks louder
than any verbal declaration.
8. Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart.
For those with great intellect and deep emotional capacity,
pain and suffering are inevitable.
Their heightened awareness and sensitivity
make them more susceptible
to experiencing life’s difficulties intensely, illustrating
the complex interplay between intelligence, emotion, and suffering.
9. Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice.
Love begins as an emotion, a spontaneous and natural feeling.
However, sustaining love requires a conscious
decision and ongoing effort.
Choosing to continue loving someone involves
commitment, perseverance, and the willingness
to nurture the relationship through various challenges.
10. Fall in love with someone who doesn’t make you think love is hard.

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