10 Harsh Truths About People You Have to Face
People are not always what they show the world.
You can spend a lot of time trying to understand them
and you may not fully get to know them.
People usually hide the real part about them,
which takes deep observation to see.
The harsh truth is that what they hide about themselves
is not what they show you.
If you are not vigilant enough and able to see through their actions,
they may trick you.
The harsh truths in this article are meant
to increase your awareness about the things people
are unconscious about and hide.
Here are the 10 Harsh Truths About People You Have to Face:
1. People are not always honest, even with themselves.

People lie to protect themselves and the image they project.
But they don’t stop there;
they can lie to themselves to maintain the illusions
they create about themselves.
2. People are motivated by fear more often than love.
The fear of judgment, rejection, or loss
controls people’s behaviors and actions.
Learn to see this in people and break this pattern in yourself.
3. People will disappoint you, no matter how close you are.
No relationship is pure and without
disappointment, misunderstanding, and conflict.
All these are part of relationships.
Expecting a relationship with zero problems is unrealistic.
4. People are inconsistent in their actions and words.

People will say something
and then do something opposite.
Listen to what people say and watch
what they do, but understand that it will change anytime.
5. People are often driven by ego and pride.
The core of most people’s actions is the desire
to be loved by many and feel important
and superior to many people.
But the problem is that;
ego and pride can lead to a lack of empathy.
6. People will take advantage of you if given the opportunity.
Not everyone you know has pure intentions,
no matter how deep your connection is.
Some people will always take advantage of you
if given the opportunity.
7. People tend to focus on their own problems, not yours.

Many people lack empathy,
and their attention is always on themselves.
It is our natural tendency to always focus on ourselves.
8. People can be incredibly cruel, even to those they love.
Humans have a very dark side
which holds a tremendous capacity to inflict pain
both emotionally, physically,
and psychologically without remorse.
9. People are resistant to change and growth.
Humans prefer familiarity and love their comfort zone.
But you must fight your tendency to stay in your comfort zone.
Your comfort zone is where all your dreams die.
10. People are inherently selfish.

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