10 Dark Truths About The World You Have to Face
We live in a time of delusion and fake optimism
where the media filters the bad and dark truths
about the world and push the positive ones.
This is made possible because we spend the majority
of our time on social media, listening to the news,
and not really experiencing the world
and judging it for what it is.
If everything is good and the world is positive,
why there are so many ruins going on
and the inflation is going up?
Some of the dark truths in this article may
make you uncomfortable because it is not meant to make you
comfortable but to open your eyes to many things.
Here are the 10 Dark Truths About The World You Have to Face:
1. The world is fundamentally unequal.

There are so many injustices in this world
that you can’t do anything about.
If you are given the chance to inspire change for the better,
never lose that chance because the world needs heroes like you.
2. Power often corrupts.
Power attracts the worst type of people
and corrupts the best.
Most people in power don’t prioritize the interests
of people below them but their own interests.
They are not working for the greater good.
3. People will betray you for their gain.
Humans are self-centered beings
and will choose their interests over yours every time.
Be aware of who you choose to be in your life.
4. Many societal systems are flawed.

A lot of the systems in our society
don’t don’t deliver what they promise.
Their flaws affect society in a great way
and increase suffering, ignorance, and poverty.
5. The truth is often hidden.
Lies travel much faster than the truth.
Powerful people will always try to suppress the truth
if it affects them and may succeed in doing it.
Learn to search for the truths.
6. Nature is indifferent to human suffering.
We humans have our own suffering
that stems from our own actions,
but nature doesn’t care about any of that.
Natural disasters and calamities happen without warning.
7. People are capable of great cruelty.

Violence is a part of us and our history
is filled with many examples of how cruel
and heartless we can become.
We all possess this dark aspect. It is a part of human nature.
8. Happiness is often fleeting.
Everything is temporary in life,
including positive emotions such as happiness and joy.
Never chase happiness;
it only leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction.
9. The future is uncertain.
No one has the ability to predict the future.
We usually ignore this fact because it leads to anxiety and fear.
But that’s life.
10. We are all complicit in societal issues.

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