49 Tough David Goggins Quotes For Unshakable Strength
David Goggins is the true manifestation of
true strength and unshakable resilience.
It is not his quotes that inspire and motivate millions;
it is his actions and the philosophy he embodies.
He is not talented, but his behavior inspires many
to pursue personal growth and build unshakable inner strength.
I collected his best quotes to motivate you to keep on going
even when you don’t feel like it.
Tough Quotes
Here are the 10 Tough David Goggins Quotes For Unshakable Strength:
1. It may be satisfactory, but that’s another word for mediocrity.
2. Always be ready to adjust, recalibrate, and stay after it to become better, somehow.
3. If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.
4. My happiness is my reflection on the suffering during my journey and knowing that I never quit nor was I guided by anybody on this earth.
5. We can’t control all the variables in our lives. It’s about what we do with opportunities revoked or presented to us that determine how a story ends.
6. In every failure there is something to be gained, even if it’s only practice for the next test you’ll have to take. Because that next test is coming. That’s a guarantee.
7. There is no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert. That’s why it’s okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you’re doing it to become better.

8. Be more than motivated, be more than driven, and become literally obsessed to the point where people think you’re f#cking nuts.
9. It takes great strength to be vulnerable enough to put yourself on the line, in public, and work toward a dream that feels like it’s slipping away.
10. The hero is you.
Motivational quotes
Here are the 10 Motivational David Goggins Quotes For Unshakable Strength:
1. I thought I’d solved a problem when really I was creating new ones by taking the path of least resistance.
2. Refused to compromise who I was to conform to their unwritten rules.
3. Your entitled mind is dead weight. Cut it loose. Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim on what you are willing to earn!
4. Greatness pulls mediocrity into the mud. Get out there and get after it.
5. You can tolerate doubt as a backseat driver, but if you put doubt in the pilot’s seat, defeat is guaranteed.
6. The only way we can change is to be real with ourselves.
7. In every failure a lot of good things will happen, and we must acknowledge them.

8. The human body can withstand and accomplish a hell of a lot more than most of us think possible, and it all begins and ends in the mind.
9. My happiness is my reflection on the suffering during my journey and knowing that I never quit nor was I guided by anybody on this earth.
10. To exist in this world, we must contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness, and loss. That’s just nature.
By embracing life’s challenges and learning from them,
Powerful quotes
Here are the 10 Powerful David Goggins Quotes To Keep You Going Through Hard Days:
1. We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.
2. When you think that you are done, you’re only 40% into what your body’s capable of doing. That’s just the limits that we put on ourselves.
3. It’s going to be hard work, discipline, and the non-cognitive skills – hard work, dedication, sacrifice – that will set you apart.
4. Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance, and beautiful silence.
5. Seeds burst from the inside out in a self-destructive ritual of new life.
6. Mental toughness is a lifestyle.
7. You may lose the battle of the morning but don’t lose the war of the day.

8. Life is the most brutal endurance sport of all time!
9. No one is going to come to help you. No one is coming to save you.
10. It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you.
You can, period.
Inspirational Quotes
Here are the 10 Inspirational David Goggins Quotes I Could Never Forget:
1. Always be ready to adjust, recalibrate, and stay after it to become better, somehow.
2. If you can get through things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.
3. We all have the ability to come from nothing to something.
4. Suffering is a test. That’s all it is. Suffering is the true test of life.
5. You have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity.
6. We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.
7. Analyze your schedule, kill your empty habits, burn out the bulls–t, and see what’s left.

8. Everyone fails sometimes and life isn’t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim.
9. From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible to die. You also become eligible to find your greatness and become the one warrior.
10. Fear is my ultimate guide.
Life-changing quotes
Here are the 10 David Goggins Quotes That Are Life-changing:
1. You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft that you will die without ever realizing your true potential.
2. It’s a lot more than mind over matter. It takes relentless self-discipline to schedule suffering into your day, every day.
3. Denial is the ultimate comfort zone.
4. The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself.
5. Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance and beautiful silence.
6. Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done.
7. Everyone fails sometimes and life isn’t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim.

8. You must recognize what you are about to do, highlight what you do not like about it, and spend time visualizing each and every obstacle you can.
9. The ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst.
10. Most wars are won or lost in our own heads.
Keep on winning.