9 Denzel Washington Quotes and Advice That Will Leave You Speechless
Denzel Washington is not just a combination of talent
and charisma but a mixture of unwavering dedication
and deep personality with inspiring speeches that inspire the best in people.
In his speeches and advice, he always talks about believing
in your journey and yourself,
it is something that we all need from time to time.
He is not just a person who would tell you to believe in yourself,
but will give you practical steps like setting goals, having a plan,
and persevering through the difficulties.
Here are the 9 Denzel Washington Quotes and Advice That Will Leave You Speechless:
Never waste time trying to make them like you.
Stand for what you believe in and let them hate you.
Your existence is a punishment for their demons.
Do your research before you pursue anything,
but when you are done, take action and boldly pursue your goals.
Never let worrying or doubt shake your confidence.
You can do it.
Many people do work that doesn’t yield results and then complain.
Not everything you do will yield the desired result
but don’t confuse movement with progress
until you find the correct equation.
Give your life for something greater than yourself.
Have a purpose in life and pursue your dreams.
That dream that keeps you awake and makes you think you have a purpose.
Consistency is the most important quality for succeeding.
Starting is nothing, and finishing is everything.
Keep on showing up no matter what happens.
Take rest, but never quit.
The pain that alters is the most important one.
Embrace the pain of your life,
for it opens doors to the next phase of your life.
Embrace your individuality and uniqueness.
No one is you, and no one can be you, no matter how hard they try.
You must never try to be like others or alter yourself.
Stay true to yourself; there is fulfillment there.
Care about your man and motivate him in times of need.
You are a part of him and his most valuable asset.
A private life is a happy life.
“JUST Breath” . . …When you’re in the midst of life’s biggest hurricane, and the wind is roaring, the rain is torrential, this is the time to ‘be kind to you’! Avoid dwelling on the things you can’t control and reflect on your past successes! Give yourself credit that you ‘kept going’!