10 Undeniable Harsh Quotes About Life That Speak the Truth
Life can be tough, and sometimes,
we need a swift kick in the pants to remind us of our harsh realities.
We need a dose of reality to remind us
that life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.
These quotes come from the experiences and the lessons I learned.
It challenges you to confront the tough truths about life.
Here are the 10 Undeniable Harsh Quotes about Life that Speak the Truth:
1. Do not correct a fool or he will hate you; correct a wise man, and he will appreciate you. – Bruce Lee

Some people are fools;
their major problem is that they think they are wise/smart.
You can’t teach a person who thinks they know everything.
The best thing you can do is leave them as they are.
2. An apology without change is just manipulation.
Observe people’s actions more than you listen to what they are saying.
To avoid manipulation and being deceived,
don’t always believe what people say and judge them by their actions.
Don’t believe them if they have apologized and still have their old habits.
3. Don’t be ashamed of your work or hustle. Nobody will feed you if you go broke.

Instagram and Facebook have made people ashamed of a lot of things.
People fear being judged for their looks and where they work,
forgetting that the people they are trying to impress don’t know them.
Enjoy your life, but prioritize and focus on your work and hustle.
These people won’t be there if things go bad,
but the money you earn will have your back.
4. A wise man once said, “Be careful who you let on your ship because some people will sink the whole ship because they can’t be the captain.”
Know your circle the most.
Sometimes, you fail not because of a lack of resources but simply
because someone was dragging you down
while you were busy trying to survive.
5. Rule #1: never tell people what you’re doing until it’s done.

If you don’t want to achieve any of your goals, tell everyone about it.
Post it on social media, and tell your neighbors, friends, and relatives.
Most people don’t achieve their big goals because they tell others about them,
forgetting that people love to sabotage good things.
6. The problem is people are hated when they are real and are loved when they are fake. – Bob Marley
Reality has become so harsh that people hate the truth.
They have accepted the lies they live in as the truth.
This is a harsh truth you must understand, observe,
and experience to avoid being manipulated.
7. If a man/woman doesn’t match his/her actions with his/her words, he/she is not a man/woman. He/she’s just a boy/girl who likes to talk.

Actions speak louder than words.
Promises can be really cheap.
Anyone can tell you they will become a millionaire, but not everyone can.
8. You don’t have to rebuild a relationship with everyone you’ve forgiven. Just because you are at peace, doesn’t mean they’re not still toxic.
Your peace of mind
and happiness are the most important assets you should protect.
Don’t fool yourself into thinking things will change just because you changed.
9. People will congratulate a person doing the same thing as you. Just not you because it’s you.

These are the types of people you don’t have to tell anything,
especially your good news,
because they would love to see you fail rather than win.
Get these people out of your business and your personal life.
10. If you want to be successful prepare to be doubted and tested.
Climbing any ladder won’t be easy. Be prepared for all unexpected things.
Wow, same beliefs about those situations! Very nicely done!
Opened my eyes Again.
Bob Marley had it best. It explains why Biden is President and Trump is going to jail.
Not sure that first quote is by Bruce Lee.
Proverbs 9:8:
New American Bible
Do not reprove the arrogant, lest they hate you; reprove the wise, and they will love you